Today 2nd of September 2023 - 09:22:50. We already successfully mixed: 29,152 USDT Tethers.

Tether USDT Mixer will provide you a total crypto privacy by cleaning and anonymizing your tethers USDT !

For further anonymity, look at the services below:


Receive your clean Tether USDT in minutes.


Our Mixer's comission are the lowest ! ONLY 1%.


You don't have to register and we never store any logs.

Not KYC compliant

Be sure to get your tethers USDT without having to give us any info.

Three Easy Steps

Create a new Clean Etherum Wallet, and provide us that address to receive the clean Tethers, select fees and delay, and that's all . Your order is ready !
We create and provide you a clean and unique Address for you to send your dirty Tethers. You just have to send your Tethers that you want to shuffle.
After the delay you chose when creating your order, We will send you Clean Tether USDT from our clean Tether Wallet. It is done, simple and easy.

Click to Start

Start Mixing Tether